Se oye feo, pero es la verdad...
Hoy en día a nivel nacional, el Santos Laguna está en el ojo del Huracán, se cuenta entre pasillos que los guerreros están usando el poder económico del Grupo Modelo para comprar su salvación, los foros de internet, se llenan de Queretanos “magdalenos” escupiendo que la salvación se debe ganar en la cancha y no en la mesa.
Los medios de comunicación nacionales ( Televisa, TV Azteca, Fox etc.) han sacado sus propias “conclusiones” Fox hasta tablas sacaba donde se mostraba como el arbitraje está ayudando a Santos y perjudicando a Querétaro, ah! Pero antes dicen, “que no crea la gente que estamos en contra de Santos, solo son datos” pero al momento de decir las cosas lo hacen con una mala leche que hace ver a los tipos de la APPO como blancas palomitas...o sea...casi diciendo,”te voy a chingar, pero soy bien imparcial eh?”
Y toda la bola de ignaros que ven el futbol ( una cosa es verlo, otra entenderlo, y observar con detenimiento) se creen lo que la televisión les pone y se la tragan entera y hasta se sientan en ella.
Bueno, por estar en MI BLOG, MI ESPACIO y con MI OPINIÓN
Les digo a todos ellos...
Querétaro hoy en día es más víctima que Pepe el toro ante el tuerto, y todo porque los medios los han puesto así, como las víctimas, como los pobres ( y esa palabrita, huy! Como le pega al mexicano, todo lo que se oiga así es compa, y le estan haciendo una injusticia, pinche pensamiento absurdo).
Algunos datos:
Querétaro no metió GOL hasta la jornada 7
Uta!, el balon estaba comprado por el grupo modelo, con eso de que el dinero puede comprar todo...
Santos, no ganó hasta la jornada 8
“es que lo hicieron pá q no se vea tan descarado que los iban a ayudar”
Querétaro ganaba 3-1 en CU y les remontaron hasta empatarlos
Uta! “es que, la vd, pá mi que el Santos le llamó a pumas y les dijo que construiría un edificio nuevo en CU si nos alcanzaban, y pos contra eso no se puede”
A San Luis no le marcaron un gol vs Santos
A Este cuestionamiento se le debería de hacer un “menumento”, por el grado de PENDEJEZ del que lo haya sacado a flote, la tv muy apenas lo vió por ir a velocidad increíble, y con más de 5 repeticiones, ah! Pero el aficionado promedio eso no sabe, bruto!.
Querétaro fue robado vs Tecos
Uta, cometen penal jalando la playera, y se quejan por eso
No les marcan OTRO PENAL en contra y se quejan por eso
LES MARCAN un penal a favor y se siguen quejando
Entonces pregúntome yo, que quieren?
Querétaro pierde ante Atlante y Falla un penal
Es culpa de Santos, aparte, nos robaron en el vestidor, así no se puede, y según dijeron traía playera del santos, esto es un compló.
A 20, queretanos, a 20...
Porque con su porcentaje tan volátil ya se pudieron haber salvado y sin embargo se tapan los ojos y ahora q no estan ganando, dicen que todo está arreglado, acepten y asuman, nosotros estamos ahí por la cantidad de IDIOTECES que el Tato Noriega le hizo al equipo al desmembrarlo poco a poco, no lo negamos y estamos luchando por volver a ser lo que eramos, los colosos del norte.
Ustedes nomas no ganan unos encuentros y ahí andan llorándole a todos que son perjudicados, que el torneo y los arbitros estan comprados, ya se les pegó lo patético de Chava Reyes cuando habla en sus conferencias, el cual solo lo hace PARA DAR LASTIMA.
A ver, ( y eso que no soy Queretano )
Por que chingaos sentó a Margarito si es de todos conocido q es buen jugador?
Por qué chingaos alineó casi todo el torneo a Joahan Rdgz, cuando desde que se fue de aquí fue porque su rendimiento ya simplemente era nulo?
Por qué chingaos no le daba la confianza a Gerk siendo que siempre fue su goleador?
Ahí esta bola de ojetes, y eso que no se mucho de su equipo...
A llorar a otra parte, ches magdalenos...
Boo, hooo, boo hoo, fucking ho
PD. si ofendí a algun gallo queretano
pueden pasar a reclamar a la sig. ventanilla
donde cordialmente los pondremos de
puntitas y los mandaremos a chingar a 20.
gracias. ( pero que digo, yo agradeciendole a uds?
ni madre, orale a la jodida)
y esta jornada nomas para q les arda más...
Friday, March 30, 2007
Monday, March 26, 2007
Uf, Uff, y Recontra Uff
Santos 1 Veracrú 0
Más cardiaco no se podía, veía y veía el reloj, y los segundos pasaban leeeentamente, casi casi como escena de Matrix.
Pero se ganó que es lo mas importante.
Hay varios aspectos que no me gustan, a ver, pongamos un ejemplo, cuando alguien va a ver a una persona que se encuentra moribunda, o en coma, pero que tiene posibilidades de salir, y mejor aún vemos que esta luchando por salir de la cama... qué le decimos?
Vamos cabrón, levantate!, animo!
Venga, fuerza, fuerza que te queremos ver bien!
Eso! así se hace ves como si puedes?!
pues aquí no, aquí en la Laguna parece que si vamos a ver una persona así le diremos:
Ps estas asi por tu culpa wey!
ya ni chingas, eres un pendejo!
hmmta, te moviste bien poquito!
pendejo! pendejo!
Verdad que suena medio ilógico?
La neta señores de van al estadio... les voy a preguntar
A Qué chingaos van? a awitar más al enfermo aún sabiendo que mejora?
A mi me perdonan ( pero yo tomo Corona) pero la verdad yo escuché a unos reventadores que se hacen llamar afición, cómo han cambiado las cosas, sin duda, antes se apoyaba todo el encuentro, se reventaba al rival una y otra vez ( aún recuerdo cómo reventamos al chivas de Ramón Ramírez aquí) ahora no, ahora la afición se cree "conocedora" y le tira con todo a sus propios jugadores.
Por qué se estaban metiendo con Vuoso?
No están viendo que aún q no está al 100 se parte el lomo corriendo y luchando por ser de nuevo ese que era?, nomás lo estamos reventando porque un loquito de lentes dice que es borracho?
A un Xenofóbico que nomas ataca al extranjero haciendo creer a la gente que lo sigue como borreguitos, q tiene un nacionalismo burdo y barato, que no ve que el sr. si se va de juerga lo acompaña uno de sus protejidos como lo es el Sr. Campos? o que si Vuoso está en la cancha partiéndosela, es porque también otro de sus protejidos no le está ayudando en nada? como es el caso de Oribe?
Ahora más que nunca el Santos no necesita divisionismos ni abucheos ni rechiflas, necesita que todos juntos rememos porque la verdad, está cañon la cosa del descenso y dense cuenta que si caemos, nos vamos para siempre.
Ayer me daba tristeza como se escuchaba el corona, en vez de gritar como se hacía en tiempos anteriores un SANTOS, SANTOS que te hacía enchinar la piel, no, ahora todos dirijen su voz en contra de los nuestros...
no mamen!
Hay que hacer valer la localía, hay que REVENTAR AL RIVAL, ellos son los enemigos, si quieren se las pongo más facil, hay que reventar a los que NO TRAEN VERDE Y BLANCO EN LA PLAYERA capicci?
Volviendo al juego, Los tiburones no ofrecieron mucha resistencia que digamos, el Maño Ruiz fiel a su estilo defensivo, aun perdiendo no atacaba, así q se agazapo atrás y no dejó que cayera otro gol.
En fin, lo rescatable es que se ganó, que Vuoso regresó y que El Gallos empató gracias al chetos leaño que si no, hubiera sido un fin de semana redondo.
Por cierto...
Los gallitos ahora se van a poner en su papel de víctimas para que a todo el mundo futbolístico LES DE LASTIMA su situacion.
Señores, el penal que les marcaron en contra FUE MÁS CLARO QUE EL AGUA.
Ellos dicen "pero a Ortiz no le marcaron" veamos, el del Tano, no niego SI FUÉ PENAL, pero y aqui viene el pero, TUVIERON QUE IR DOS VECES A REPETICION PARA VERLO mientras que el otro es claro el jalón de la playera, así que por favor no se hagan los occisos ni anden inventando chingaderas, sr. Almiron, ud. deberia ser suspendido por hacerle esas muecas al arbitro, pero si lo suspenden, luego van a decir "miren, miren, nos tienen en consigna y ayudan al Santos" cuando a nosotros nos jodieron varias veces, si no nomas véa el juego vs Pumas ...ojetes.
Próximo juego, Jaguares, que no andan tan bien, existen posibilidades de traerse un buen resultado, mas aun porque me imagino será el sabado a las 3 y el Gallos jugará el domingo y ya sabrá como habremos quedado, pero va vs America y chance y las aguilitas pueden desplumarnos un poco mas a esos gallos que YA TIENEN QUE TENER SU MALA RACHA.
Sería una excelente combinacion de resultados si se gana en Chiapas y gallos pierde, queda en ustedes, síganse muriendo en la raya y tráiganse esos 3 puntos.
Sale !!!
PD. el ganador de esta jornada fue
MAKO de Daniel Hidrogo, con 50 puntos
que también lidera la general del torneo con 476 pts.
seguido de un servidor con 464 pts.
ahora si, sale!!
My Matchday 132 - Darlington Arena
Darlington 0v3 Hartlepool United
A match I’ve been really looking forward to, the only league Derby clash in the North-East this season and my first visit to the Darlington Arena.
Darlo and Pools rivalry stretches back 99 years when they first came together in the old North-Eastern League in 1908,they were both elected into the Football League in 1921, through the then newly formed Third Division North,and they've been the fiercest of enemies ever since,with only twelve seasons apart during this time.
Darlington moved from Feethams, their home of 120 years in 2003, the shift was the brainchild of egotistical fanatic and former safe cracker George Reynolds,whose dream it was to build a new football arena and name it after himself (so his immortality was assured )and take ‘The Quakers’ all the way to the Premiership,but it’s a crime he didn’t realise that it’s good players on the park that are essential and not the players surroundings which would ever make his fantasy come true,but crime is something the former Darlo chairman is all too familiar with.
The original Reynolds Arena name only lasted until April 2004 when ‘Gorgeous Georgeous’ went bankrupt and was nicked on charges of money laundering.The club went into administration with club creditors ‘The Sterling Consortium’ eventually taking control of the club,but not without a stubborn residence from the former chairman.The first steps of the new ownership was the removing of all evident Reynolds Arena signs, and indeed the alleged legacy(so immortality denied) and after a brief rebranding as Williamson Motors Stadium the ground is now named after new sponsors,local radio station for the Tees Valley area 96.6 TFM.
The ground consists of a single tier which bowls parallel around the stadium,divided into 40 blocks of seats,the only distinction between each stand is the black and white lettering imbedded within with the sea of red seats with the words Quakers(predictable) DFC Darlington(expected)and Come On Darlo(that’s more like it!)spelled out legoland style,there is also sponsors executive boxes in the South Stand,along with a police control box,there is a perpex strip to release more natural light,which circles the top of the stand,the stadium is completed by a giant widescreen television in the North-East corner.
The choice of red seats is a strange one considering Darlington play in black ‘n’ white,I remember a few seasons back Mr.Reynolds wanting to change the club colours to red and white stripes(well he is Mackem bred) but this went down like a lead balloon amongst the Darlo faithfull,so I suppose he got his own way in the end with his choice of seat colouring.
I ordered my ticket for the South Stand online and what a great seat I got, next seat to the directors box,just in front of the press area,along side the TV cameras,I was seated behind the SKY Sports match reporter(did anyone see iz?)I couldn’t have got a better view,it was if Darlo knew I was there representing ‘The 100 Football Grounds Club’website,so they give me the best available seat in the house.
The match had a cracking atmosphere with the hint of an undercurrent of local hatred (there was a bit of bother)both sets of fans sang throughout,trying to outdo each other in the choral stakes with Pools fans coming out on top, likewise their team,who produced a splendid second half performance to run out easy winners in the end by three goals to nil,and stretch their unbeaten sequence to a club record 22 games.The match was also to witness the best goal I’ve seen at a game this season,a brilliant chest and volley,’Roy Race style’ from Eifion Williams.
The capacity of the stadium is 27,500,but it is limited to only 10,000,which is a shame considering more fans would have liked to have been at this game,I must confess that I didn’t really attend this game as a neutral, I’ve always had a soft spot for Hartlepool United,my personal experiences in the past of attending games at Feethams and Victoria Park being the reason for this,let’s just say that the supporters of the team that play in blue and white are a lot more friendly and are more hospitable than their bitter rivals from along the road.
My overall impression of The Darlington Arena is it’s just another purpose built has great facilities and is a pleasant arena to watch football,but there’s no spirit or character,I’m positive any die in the wool Darlo fan would happily take that walk within the Town Centre,stroll past the cricket pitch,click through the turnstile and take their place in the old ‘Tin Shed’,happy days indeed, but now just a distant memory.
Links -
Match Report
Post Match comments
Football League Two
March 25th 2007
A match I’ve been really looking forward to, the only league Derby clash in the North-East this season and my first visit to the Darlington Arena.
Darlo and Pools rivalry stretches back 99 years when they first came together in the old North-Eastern League in 1908,they were both elected into the Football League in 1921, through the then newly formed Third Division North,and they've been the fiercest of enemies ever since,with only twelve seasons apart during this time.
Darlington moved from Feethams, their home of 120 years in 2003, the shift was the brainchild of egotistical fanatic and former safe cracker George Reynolds,whose dream it was to build a new football arena and name it after himself (so his immortality was assured )and take ‘The Quakers’ all the way to the Premiership,but it’s a crime he didn’t realise that it’s good players on the park that are essential and not the players surroundings which would ever make his fantasy come true,but crime is something the former Darlo chairman is all too familiar with.
The original Reynolds Arena name only lasted until April 2004 when ‘Gorgeous Georgeous’ went bankrupt and was nicked on charges of money laundering.The club went into administration with club creditors ‘The Sterling Consortium’ eventually taking control of the club,but not without a stubborn residence from the former chairman.The first steps of the new ownership was the removing of all evident Reynolds Arena signs, and indeed the alleged legacy(so immortality denied) and after a brief rebranding as Williamson Motors Stadium the ground is now named after new sponsors,local radio station for the Tees Valley area 96.6 TFM.
The ground consists of a single tier which bowls parallel around the stadium,divided into 40 blocks of seats,the only distinction between each stand is the black and white lettering imbedded within with the sea of red seats with the words Quakers(predictable) DFC Darlington(expected)and Come On Darlo(that’s more like it!)spelled out legoland style,there is also sponsors executive boxes in the South Stand,along with a police control box,there is a perpex strip to release more natural light,which circles the top of the stand,the stadium is completed by a giant widescreen television in the North-East corner.
The choice of red seats is a strange one considering Darlington play in black ‘n’ white,I remember a few seasons back Mr.Reynolds wanting to change the club colours to red and white stripes(well he is Mackem bred) but this went down like a lead balloon amongst the Darlo faithfull,so I suppose he got his own way in the end with his choice of seat colouring.
I ordered my ticket for the South Stand online and what a great seat I got, next seat to the directors box,just in front of the press area,along side the TV cameras,I was seated behind the SKY Sports match reporter(did anyone see iz?)I couldn’t have got a better view,it was if Darlo knew I was there representing ‘The 100 Football Grounds Club’website,so they give me the best available seat in the house.
The match had a cracking atmosphere with the hint of an undercurrent of local hatred (there was a bit of bother)both sets of fans sang throughout,trying to outdo each other in the choral stakes with Pools fans coming out on top, likewise their team,who produced a splendid second half performance to run out easy winners in the end by three goals to nil,and stretch their unbeaten sequence to a club record 22 games.The match was also to witness the best goal I’ve seen at a game this season,a brilliant chest and volley,’Roy Race style’ from Eifion Williams.
The capacity of the stadium is 27,500,but it is limited to only 10,000,which is a shame considering more fans would have liked to have been at this game,I must confess that I didn’t really attend this game as a neutral, I’ve always had a soft spot for Hartlepool United,my personal experiences in the past of attending games at Feethams and Victoria Park being the reason for this,let’s just say that the supporters of the team that play in blue and white are a lot more friendly and are more hospitable than their bitter rivals from along the road.
My overall impression of The Darlington Arena is it’s just another purpose built has great facilities and is a pleasant arena to watch football,but there’s no spirit or character,I’m positive any die in the wool Darlo fan would happily take that walk within the Town Centre,stroll past the cricket pitch,click through the turnstile and take their place in the old ‘Tin Shed’,happy days indeed, but now just a distant memory.
Links -
Match Report
Post Match comments
Sunday, March 25, 2007
My Matchday 131 - Hurst Cross
Ashton United 0v3 Gateshead
Unibond League Premier Division
24th March 2007
This was my first of three games in three days, (marvellous!) as it was all aboard the Heed Army Charabanc to Greater Manchester for Gateshead’s Unibond Premier League clash at Ashton United
Ashton United history goes as far back as 1878,under their previous name of Hurst FC, it wasn’t until 1909 that they first played competitive league football,playing in the Manchester League and going on to lift there first title in 1912 after having previous success in the Manchester Senior Cup.
They then joined the Lancashire Combinations League (1917 Champions) and later the Cheshire County League until 1946 when they changed their name to the club we know today,Ashton United FC.
Their league history yo-yoed between the two associations including a brief spell in the Midland League,until becoming founder members of the North Western Counties League in 1982, after relegation and a brief spell in the 2nd Division, they regained promotion,but the club was in financial trouble with the Hurst Cross ground in decay and in need of some tender loving care.
The Robins found that tender care in 1990 through Businessman Terry Liversidge who helped turn the club around and transform the ground,his faith in the club was rewarded in 1992 when the club had their most successful season in their history winning the NWCL,League Cup,League Challenge Cup and Manchester Premier Cup.
The club took the step up to the Northern Premier League 1st Division and after a ten year stint in which they finished 3rd six times they finally made it into the Premier Division via the inaugural play offs of 2002, they became founder members of the Conference North in 2004 but alas were relegated in that first season, and so reside back in the Unibond Premier Division.
Ashton-Under-Lyne lies in the Metropolis district of Tameside, under the Pennine Hills,so this meant about a 3 hour journey from the Heed,so after a shift at work and an early finish achieved with a little help from a work colleague(Cheers Gav!) I made the coach pick up at 10.10am and we arrived at Ashton at around 1.30pm, the trip included a half-hour bait stop and a brief “You don’t know where you’re going” moment aimed at the coach driver after getting lost,all this on top of being fed 5 bottles of dodgy Brazilian bottled lager,so it was straight off the bus and into the nearest boozer(be it a ManYoo pub)for a few pints of John Smith’s Smooth.
Apart from it being a day out supporting Gateshead and grabbing ground no.131,it also was a farewell appearance for Private Goody,who was going from Heed Army to Real Army back to his day job of being a member of our Armed Forces,his regiment are posted out to Afghanistan this week for 6 months,so this was his last match and last good drink till the Autumn,so the best of luck to him,having to be teetotal that is. ;-)
I was told by Captain Carter on the way to Ashton that I would love the ground because it’s a dump,well I’ve seen worse,but Hurst Cross certainly doesn’t lack character.The grounds capacity is 4500,it has two uncovered terraces behind each goal,the Lees Road End which is classed as the away end(well it was for the first half)and the Rowley Street End which is a smaller standing area,in each corner of the terrace is a toilet which is basically a wall to piss on(see bottom pic)
The main stand is called the Sid Sykes Stand which is named after (not Eric’s brother) the clubs former chairman, it holds 240 seats,but only about a dozen punters take up this offer,it also holds a press box at the rear and on top of it’s red roof are 11 flag poles with the flags of Lancashire,the five home nations,Union Jacks and also(don’t know why?)Spain and France.To the left of the stand is a sponsors box and the very pleasant and homely social club,to the right is the refreshment area and club shop,these buildings have been painted red to blend in with the stand.
The opposite side is the Popular Stand,this is a covered terrace with a 500 spectator capacity, the black back wall has AUFC painted in white,this stand to be honest looks a bit tattie,and could do with a facelift,light comes via four thin pylons on each side of the pitch.
The match itself was a comfortable 3-0 win for the Tynesiders,this following on from their fabulous 6-0 win over Grantham in midweek,the support for Gateshead was superb on the day as the Heed Army sang throughout (a particular mention to Ashton United keeper Lee Bracy who took it in good spirits regarding the ribbing of his lack of hair)and celebrated Italian style by setting off a orange smoke bomb,which was something I thought I’d never see in the Unibond League,so a smoking end to a smoking performance, and a good day all round.
Links -
Ashton Match Report
Gateshead Match Report
Heed Army Blog Fan Pics
HeedForum pictures and here.
Unibond League Premier Division
24th March 2007
This was my first of three games in three days, (marvellous!) as it was all aboard the Heed Army Charabanc to Greater Manchester for Gateshead’s Unibond Premier League clash at Ashton United
Ashton United history goes as far back as 1878,under their previous name of Hurst FC, it wasn’t until 1909 that they first played competitive league football,playing in the Manchester League and going on to lift there first title in 1912 after having previous success in the Manchester Senior Cup.
They then joined the Lancashire Combinations League (1917 Champions) and later the Cheshire County League until 1946 when they changed their name to the club we know today,Ashton United FC.
Their league history yo-yoed between the two associations including a brief spell in the Midland League,until becoming founder members of the North Western Counties League in 1982, after relegation and a brief spell in the 2nd Division, they regained promotion,but the club was in financial trouble with the Hurst Cross ground in decay and in need of some tender loving care.
The Robins found that tender care in 1990 through Businessman Terry Liversidge who helped turn the club around and transform the ground,his faith in the club was rewarded in 1992 when the club had their most successful season in their history winning the NWCL,League Cup,League Challenge Cup and Manchester Premier Cup.
The club took the step up to the Northern Premier League 1st Division and after a ten year stint in which they finished 3rd six times they finally made it into the Premier Division via the inaugural play offs of 2002, they became founder members of the Conference North in 2004 but alas were relegated in that first season, and so reside back in the Unibond Premier Division.
Ashton-Under-Lyne lies in the Metropolis district of Tameside, under the Pennine Hills,so this meant about a 3 hour journey from the Heed,so after a shift at work and an early finish achieved with a little help from a work colleague(Cheers Gav!) I made the coach pick up at 10.10am and we arrived at Ashton at around 1.30pm, the trip included a half-hour bait stop and a brief “You don’t know where you’re going” moment aimed at the coach driver after getting lost,all this on top of being fed 5 bottles of dodgy Brazilian bottled lager,so it was straight off the bus and into the nearest boozer(be it a ManYoo pub)for a few pints of John Smith’s Smooth.
Apart from it being a day out supporting Gateshead and grabbing ground no.131,it also was a farewell appearance for Private Goody,who was going from Heed Army to Real Army back to his day job of being a member of our Armed Forces,his regiment are posted out to Afghanistan this week for 6 months,so this was his last match and last good drink till the Autumn,so the best of luck to him,having to be teetotal that is. ;-)
I was told by Captain Carter on the way to Ashton that I would love the ground because it’s a dump,well I’ve seen worse,but Hurst Cross certainly doesn’t lack character.The grounds capacity is 4500,it has two uncovered terraces behind each goal,the Lees Road End which is classed as the away end(well it was for the first half)and the Rowley Street End which is a smaller standing area,in each corner of the terrace is a toilet which is basically a wall to piss on(see bottom pic)
The main stand is called the Sid Sykes Stand which is named after (not Eric’s brother) the clubs former chairman, it holds 240 seats,but only about a dozen punters take up this offer,it also holds a press box at the rear and on top of it’s red roof are 11 flag poles with the flags of Lancashire,the five home nations,Union Jacks and also(don’t know why?)Spain and France.To the left of the stand is a sponsors box and the very pleasant and homely social club,to the right is the refreshment area and club shop,these buildings have been painted red to blend in with the stand.
The opposite side is the Popular Stand,this is a covered terrace with a 500 spectator capacity, the black back wall has AUFC painted in white,this stand to be honest looks a bit tattie,and could do with a facelift,light comes via four thin pylons on each side of the pitch.
The match itself was a comfortable 3-0 win for the Tynesiders,this following on from their fabulous 6-0 win over Grantham in midweek,the support for Gateshead was superb on the day as the Heed Army sang throughout (a particular mention to Ashton United keeper Lee Bracy who took it in good spirits regarding the ribbing of his lack of hair)and celebrated Italian style by setting off a orange smoke bomb,which was something I thought I’d never see in the Unibond League,so a smoking end to a smoking performance, and a good day all round.
Links -
Ashton Match Report
Gateshead Match Report
Heed Army Blog Fan Pics
HeedForum pictures and here.
Friday, March 23, 2007
No queda Otra...
Oportunidades han habido, y ahora no nos queda más que rezar para que otros pierdan, y que los nuestros hagan lo que se supone saben hacer.
No había posteado la verdad, por falta de inspiración, si bien el juego vs Atlas no se perdió ( de milagro) la verdad es triste, se estuvo dos veces arriba, y no se supo manejar el juego.
Cada vez nos hundimos más...
Por otro milagro, Pumas logró empatarle a Gallos y con esto bajarles un poco los humos, pero seamos realistas, cuantos de nosotros no estábamos en la orilla del sillon viendo el 3-1 casi inalcanzable, pero Scocco salió en su tarde y les metio 3 para ser la figura de la jornada anterior.
Por cierto, una disculpa, el ganador de la jornada anterior fué el
equipo Mad Machinne, propiedad de Jesus H. Cortinas el cual hizo
39 puntos.
Esta jornada, Santos - Veracruz
Por historia, los tiburones aquí se sientan, pero la verdad en este momento yo ya no creo nada, igual y siendo cuaresma, es idóneo el pescado, a ver si la semana Santa, nos ayuda un poco a que este equipo por fin logre una rachita positiva, estamos mal señores, yo personalmente lo veo muy negro el panorama para Santos, y da tristeza saber que es muy probable que descendamos y con esto el equipo desaparezca para siempre.
Mucha gente dirá, "no eres aficionado al decir eso", al contrario, soy mas aficionado que muchos pubertos que ahora brincan en las barras creyéndose los mejores aficionados sin ni siquiera haber sufrido antes, no señores, esto no está bien, desgraciadamente dejaron caer al enfermo y ahora ni con los mejores médicos pueden hacer que reviva, Santos ahorita, está en coma, y solo un milagro llamado Gallos, puede hacer que reviva aunque sea por unos meses mas.
Deseo de corazon que nos salvemos, pero los números son tan fríos que por eso los odio, tan es así que por odiarlos me hice diseñador jajaja.
Suerte Santos en tu próximo juego, has lo que tengas que hacer, pero simplemente ten en cuenta, que si pierdes más puntos en casa, tu destino estará sellado para tí y todos los que queremos a esta institucion.
A los jugadores, en verdad, les suplico que ganen, que dejen sangre en la cancha, este equipo no merece morir de la forma en que lo han estado haciendo, Oswaldo, si aun no te sientes seguro, deja el lugar al Panchote, créeme, es de Sabios saber rectificar.
Guzman, mete a los que se quieran morir adentro, no a los que creen que con su presencia el rival se atemorizará, ahorita, con todo respeto, todos absolutamente todos uds. dan solo lástima y los rivales los ven, como 3 puntos, vestidos de futbolistas.
A la aficion, si van al estadio, GRITEN COÑO, GRITEN!
es patética la "nueva" aficion que va, en serio, antes todo el tiempo se apoyaba
ahora sólo cuando se mete gol, pero eso si, estan super dispuestos a reventar en el menor
instante, no señores, ya ahorita, ni para eso está el aceite, o apoyamos o nos vamos
con el nombre y el equipo ( no creo que los jugadores ni el técnico) a primera a.
Suerte Santos
la vamos a necesitar, durante lo que resta del campeonato.
PD. todos a rezarle al Pony
para que baile a gallos y con esto
que nos ayude un poco...
Pony, siempre serás guerrero.
Saturday, March 17, 2007
My Matchday 130 - Craik Park
Morpeth Town 2v2 Chester-le-Street Town
Arngrove Northern League 1st Division
17th March 2007
att. 48
Morpeth Town FC was founded in 1894 through the amalgamation of Morpeth United and Morpeth FC and originally began life playing at Stobhill Cricket Field before a move to Storey Park in 1954.
The club were members of the Northern Alliance and were twice league champions,their second title in 1993-94 along with the Challenge Cup double coincided with a move to a purpose built stadium named after long time father and son club servants W & R Craik,who were club secretaries between 1920 and 1985.The club then gained entry to the Northern League and in their second season in 1995-96 became 2nd Division Champions and since their promotion,they’ve established themselves in the top flight equalling their best finish of 6th last season.
Craik Park itself is pretty basic,there’s a large club house coupled with the teams changing rooms,the teams walk down a small bank on to the dirt track surrounded pitch, with the standing areas cordoned off by a white barrier fence.There is a small stand with four rows of dirty grey seats and on the opposite side there is a standing shelter which looks like it would be more at home in a bus concourse than a football ground. The wooden team dugouts which are on the edge of the pitch,in front of the track look like they’d collapse with a decent gust of wind,these are tardis type dugouts because I couldn’t believe that six players managed to squeeze themselves inside the Chester one.
Today I had the company of the complete Smith family,I suggested to ‘the breadknife’ a nice run up to Morpeth with the kids and we could have a Mothers Day Eve lunch as a special treat,and…erm.. since we’re in the vicinity we may as well go to Craik Park and watch Morpeth v Chester-le-Street,of course she happily agreed as it was an offer that was too good to refuse.
The game was entertaining,played on a bitterly cold afternoon, with 2-2 a fair result,both teams lie in midtable but still have plenty to play for as both clubs have reached the finals of their respective county cups.Morpeth overcame Newcastle Benfield midweek to book their place in the Northumberland Senior Cup against Blyth Spartans,while the Cestrians reached the Durham Challenge Cup final for the first time in their history beating current holders Whickham to book a final date with Consett.
Links –
Chester match report
The day the Simple Pieman came to Town.
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