Monday, May 28, 2007
Tuzos Campeones
No hay mucho que decir sinceramente, ganó el que menos errores cometió, al final, el error de Ochoa pesó tanto que fué la diferencia en esta final que dicho sea de paso y con todo respeto para ambos equipos, fue desastrosamente...ABURRIDA.
Pachuca se convirtió en un equipo histórico al agenciarse todas las finales en las que participó en este ultimo semestre, incluyendo el ascenso del equipo Pachuca Tuzos Jr. en primera "a".
Son un ejemplo de equipo --Mas no de afición, OJO pues NO la tienen-- son un ejemplo de institución en combinación con el gobierno del estado, el cual les ha dado mil y un facilidades para convertirse en lo que ahora son, un ejemplo para todos los clubes mexicanos.
La final en sí, no voy a relatarla tal cual, porque sé que los que les gusta el futbol, la vieron, asi que no tiene caso repetir todo, solo algunos puntos.
El América, caray... que puedo decir, que feo jugó, ayer, de ese equipo grande y temido por muchos, yo solo ví el nombre, porque en la cancha, puros ratones escondiéndose.
Mosqueda? jugó?
Cabañas? jugó?
Pipino? y ese...quien es?
Bilos? y ese...canta o q hace?
Que triste era ver solo a el Temoc Blanco correr desesperado, dar pases y recibir sandías en los pies, el América no jugó a nada, pero siendo sinceros, jugó a algo todo el torneo?
No tenía banca, nunca se reforzó, incluso me atrevo a decir, que hizo de más al llegar a esa final, y pudo más el orgullo contra las chivas que el buen futbol para realmente decir "estan parejos".
Blanco se retira del futbol mexicano, personalmente, quería que ganara la copa, sea lo que sea, aun y con lo odioso que es, no se niega que es un jugador fuera de serie, que lástima a la persona que es porque como jugador, mis respetos, pero como persona..puts!, otro gallo ( llorones) hubiese sido, si la persona fuera diferente, pero asi es Blanco y no se puede cambiar.
Se va cabizbajo, porque a ese wey le gusta ganar, pero solo, esta cabron, y no tenía equipo que lo acompañara, Lapuente es el peor enemigo de las aguilas al hacer contrataciones del nabo y dejar salir a buenos jugadores.
Se le va a extrañar, eso que ni que al "camellito", ya no habrá a quien mentarsela, a quien ver cuando se comete una falta, sea lo que sea, le ponía sabor al futbol, ahora, se va con los gringos a mentarselas allá, a retirarse tal vez allá y no en el club que ese wey tanto ama, pero que trata del nabo a sus idolos, si no pregúntenle a Zague, Carlos Santos o Zelada.
ultima toma del camellito mentandosela a todos
en suelo mexicano...
America, se quedó al final, como el perro de las dos tortas, tanta mamada que hicieron
"llama al 01 800 socio aguila y da tu opinion, América por el campeonato de la liga o la libertadores" y toma chango tu banana, al final, ni una ni otra y los televisos se tragaron todas las malas decisiones por parte del pelón lapuente. Y luego quieren que uno no se burle.
Lo siento por todos mis conocidos que son americanistas sé que les duele haber perdido de esa forma, y sobre todo, con un rival tan inflado como lo es pachuca, desde aqui mi mas sentido pésame a todos ellos.
Leyendo futbol méxico, pagina hartamente recomendable ( no para americanistas), concuerdo totalmente con ellos en el aspecto de la transmisión.
no se que era peor, si los comentarios del "gracioso" Jorge Campos, la toma de Marín tomando pepsi, o el gritar a micrófono abierto por parte del mismo payasito de marín cuando cayó el gol tuzo de la victoria, peor aun, esa "famosa" toma en helicoptero, la verdad, señores, esta de la chingada, díganme han visto tomas asi en la Champions?
o acaso en un juego Real Madrid - Barcelona?
no verdad?
porque allá si saben tener algo que ustedes en su vida, nunca tendrán...
CLASE, son transmisiones SOBRIAS, ELEGANTES Y A LO QUE VAN, no se en que momento de la historia de la television creyeron que el derroche de PENDEJADAS les darán el título de una "transmision histórica", mas grotesco fué el sinnúmero de banderas que salieron al terminar el juego, no mames!, no se veían los campeones!
La publicidad es necesaria para solventar todos los gastos, es lógico, es admisible, es tolerable CUANDO NO SE CAE EN LO ABSURDO, TV AZTECA a sido el peor elemento de los tuzos del pachuca, ya no se sabe donde empiezan los tuzos, y terminan los aztecos, parecen ser, una simbiosis grotesca y hasta que el pachuca baje de su nube, ahi se daran cuenta lo mal que les esta haciendo esa empresa.
Vamos, hasta las transmisiones de la tv. sudamericana por FOX SPORTS en los juegos o finales de la copa libertadores son mejores, que el circo que arman estos payasos de television.
No conforme con haberle dado en la madre a dos programas, realmente históricos como LOS PROTAGONISTAS Y DEPORTV ( los cuales ahora son un verdadero asco ) las transmisiones de futbol han pasado a ser meramente ventanas a un espectaculo burdo y todo, gracias a este grupo de merólicos llamados, TV APESTA. Desde esta humilde tribuna, sin tomas aéreas ni con la tecnología que uds. tanto "derrochan" les decimos
Pachuca campeón punto.
ínflense mas, sigan diciendo que son "el equipo de México" cuando saliendo
de su estado ni hay ni un mendigo aficionado tuzo, vamos ni siquiera en Hidalgo, ayer
yo vi un estadio lleno de villamelones, espérense a la jornada 2, 3, 4, o 5 y veremos al famoso "huracan" semivacío, porque Pachuca NO TIENE AFICION, pero así es la vida.
Thursday, May 24, 2007
El Circo Mexicano
No es ningun chiste, este futbol local desgraciadamente cada día da mas pena.
Vayamos por partes, Cruz Azul, equipo que alinea de manera indebida a un drogo ( me vale madre si se oye fuerte, si ya te habian suspendido por eso, es de estupidos volver a caer por lo mismo poniendo en riesgo tu trabajo, tu familia y todos los que te rodean) a ver, si les avisaron que no podía qué lo pones cuñao?
De todas formas salió por bajo rendimiento, entonces?
Peor aun, la excusa que dan los directivos mediocres es "es que el oficio de FIFA VENIA EN INGLES!!!" pinche bola de ignorantes, ganan miles de pesos y no saben hablar o leer inglés?
Estos directivos son el cáncer del futbol, los que alejan a la gente de la tribuna, y que les vale un reverendo pepino el aficionado que es el que mantiene vivo este pinche circo.
Que lástima y que triste por la afición azul, que siempre ha estado ahí para apoyar, la neta no se merecen tener este tipo de episodios tan bochornosos y vergonzosos, ahora si somos justos, Cruz azul no sólo debería haber perdido ese juego, sino que además si este futbol fuera ejemplar y apegado a reglas, deberían haberle puesto un castigo MUCHO MAYOR, incluyendo hasta un descenso, pues el aviso tenía DESDE ENERO!! y aún así, la directiva se paso literalmente por LOS HUEVOS a FIFA, si en este momento Cruz Azul está en Primera Division Nacional, es solamente por MILAGRO o por billetes, hay ud. elija el que mejor le acomode.
Aún no se acababa de digerir la noticia del Cruz Azul y su eliminación de la manera mas BURDA, absurda y vergonzosa, cuando salen Burillo, y J.A. García diciendo que... ( redobles de tambor)
El Atlante, equipo 100% chilango y de pueblo
Se muda a Cancún...
O sea, afición me valen madres, allá será en dolares y tendremos puros turistas en el estadio, que dicho sea de paso, solo le caben 5, 000, vamos, no es ni estadio es una pinche deportiva, y está mas feo y pinche que el Estadio Corona ( neta, si el Corona esta feo, este se lo lleva de calle) entonces, donde esta la seriedad?
Y Así querían formar una liga premier?
Los directivos, fieles a su costumbre, han dicho que remodelarán el estadio(?) hasta que le quepan más de 20, 000 que es lo que el dichoso reglamento ( que sirve pa dos cosas) dice, y quesque en 3 meses de aqui a que empiece el torneo, tendrán ojo TRIBUNAS TUBULARES jajajajajaja, o sea, hay les encargo a ver si para Noviembre o Diciembre no estemos hablando de una tragedia en ese pinche lugar pitero por querer ahorrarse unos dólares en infraestructura.
Ok, el Corona es inseguro, pero al menos tiene tribunas, pobre de la gente que vaya a ver a los Caballitos de Mar del Atlante, al menos y por ahora no seremos el estadio mas feo y pinche del futbol mexicano.
Imagen del "monumental" estadio de Cancun, sede de los Caballitos de Mar Del Atlante Quintana Roo.
Para terminar...
La final del futbol mexicano se cambió a Viernes y domingo, todo porque los americanistas, fieles a lloriquear todo el tiempo ( han de ser parientes del gallos, emplumados al fin) decían que les dieran chance de ir a jugar vs Santos de Brasil, y aparte tener tiempo de descansar un poco.
Y Que chingaos es lo que hacen?
mandan a un grupo de suplentes a poner en ridículo al futbol mexicano, o sea, una competencia que merece toda la seriedad, que es MIL VECES MAS IMPORTANTE que la liga local, y que por años estuvimos casi hincados por pedir chance a conmebol para que le diera cabida a los equipos nacionales para medirse antes los sudamericanos, todo eso al América...le valio madre.
Prefieren querer ser campeones en esta pinche liga ( donde uno de los finalistas paso por puro reglamento en sus juegos o sea el Pachuca al pasar por mejor ubicacion en la tabla un juego y por ganar en la mesa el otro) y decirle a todos los weyes de CONMEBOL...huevos!.
Entonces, a qué chingaos fué?
peor aun, para que chingaos movieron la final?
y mas pinche, vas ganando de chiripa y tipico equipo pitero, te echas todo para atras???
na que weba me dan, en serio, no es posible tanta mediocridad en una sola institución, a ver si no se quedan como el perro de las dos tortas y si se quedan, uufff, esperen a la carrilla que se les va a echar será mejor que vayan preparando todos los terrenos posibles.
En fin así son las cosas en este pinche circo llamado Futbol Mexicano, donde lo mas importante no son ni los payasos, ni el publico asistente...son los animales de directivos que tenemos.
y no creas que me olvido de ti TATO NORIEGA, tu eres el peor, junto a Guillermito Cantú, metieron al Santos en donde está ahora, el primero por RATA, el segundo...
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
'Season 2006-07 Compendious'
A season that personally started way back on a hot July afternoon,with an Intertoto Cup tie at St. James Park finally came to a close last Saturday in Fife.
I have thoroughly enjoyed writing and capturing images of my groundbagging exploits of 2006-07,I may not have the word skills of Stuart Hall,the journalistic scribblings of Brian Woolnough or indeed the photographic skills of an employee of Getty Images but in the words of an old 1970’s impressionist “this is me” and the good feedback I’ve received during this past season has made the whole experience gratifying.
I managed to attend 71 games throughout the season and bagged 29 new grounds,so my first “thank you” goes to my fantastic ‘breadknife’ Debra for letting me off the leash,even though she would prefer to see me at home (no I don’t mean St.James Park) on a Saturday.
Among those 29 grounds were many throughout the non-league,a stadium which is now dead,a home that has now dropped from ‘The 92’,a big shiny red one with 60,000 seats,a trip to Jormani,Scotland and even an appearance in deepest Darlington,so after all this I’ve lost contact with my old Saturday afternoon mucker from ‘Gillette Soccer Saturday’ Jeff Stelling,I hope he’s keeping well and if you see him tell him I’m asking after him.
I have thoroughly enjoyed writing and capturing images of my groundbagging exploits of 2006-07,I may not have the word skills of Stuart Hall,the journalistic scribblings of Brian Woolnough or indeed the photographic skills of an employee of Getty Images but in the words of an old 1970’s impressionist “this is me” and the good feedback I’ve received during this past season has made the whole experience gratifying.
I managed to attend 71 games throughout the season and bagged 29 new grounds,so my first “thank you” goes to my fantastic ‘breadknife’ Debra for letting me off the leash,even though she would prefer to see me at home (no I don’t mean St.James Park) on a Saturday.
Among those 29 grounds were many throughout the non-league,a stadium which is now dead,a home that has now dropped from ‘The 92’,a big shiny red one with 60,000 seats,a trip to Jormani,Scotland and even an appearance in deepest Darlington,so after all this I’ve lost contact with my old Saturday afternoon mucker from ‘Gillette Soccer Saturday’ Jeff Stelling,I hope he’s keeping well and if you see him tell him I’m asking after him.
Included amongst those 71 games is of course supporting the two clubs closest to my heart,that big club north of the Tyne “treated” myself and the fellow Geordie Nation to a season to forget,being one of the worst in recent times,thankfully action was taking at the end of the season to hopefully rectify the mess the club currently finds itself in, a new man at the helm,with a fresh approach and new ideas will at least give the Toon Army fresh optimism for next season.(wonder if there’ll be an end of season DVD,would anyone purchase it?)
As far as the club at the south of the Tyne,things are looking much brighter,with an ambitious Chairman who is willing to give the club his full backing,a new manager who since his appointment in early March,saw his side go 12 games unbeaten through to the end of the campaign,just running short of making the play-offs,all this and the promise of a new football ground as well,things are definitely on the up for the Heed Army.
Finally I would like to thank everyone who sent there grounds lists and helped make this little website take off,I’ve made a lot of friends throughout the ‘Groundhoppers Union’ both at home and abroad and hopefully our paths will cross sometime during next season,I’m grateful for an comments left on the blog and always look forward to hearing from you fellow bloggers as well as the personal emails I receive, so thank you very much,it’s all been worthwhile.
Throughout the summer the site will be regularly updated including the world famous ‘Ground Image Of The Month’ the continuing series of ‘The Football Bog Blog’ as well as ‘My Back Pages’ which features stories from my first visit to various grounds (similar to the Leeds Road post) so have a good summer and I hope the stadiumitis bug can ease off until July/August.
Cheers! SS
Cheers! SS
P.S. ‘The 100 Football Grounds Club Groundhoppers Union Meeting 2007’ destination – Morecambe ? ;-) anyone interested or any suggestion let me know.
Sunday, May 20, 2007
My Matchday - 139 East End Park
Dunfermline Athletic 0v3 Falkirk
Scottish Premier League
May 19th 2007
I’ve been meaning to cross some ticks off my Scottish grounds total,but opportunities have been limited this season,so bearing this in mind I sacrificed sitting in front of the TV watching the country’s two biggest clubs battling it out for the oldest cup competition in the world,with the added attraction of the first historic final at the finest football arena on the planet. (too many red seats for me) I haven’t missed an English cup final either in front of the box or in the flesh since 1973,but I would rather attend a live game and visit a new ground than watch a game where I would happily like to see both teams lose,so it wasn’t a hard decision to head north into the ‘Kingdom of Fife’ for the SPL meeting at Dunfermline’s East End Park against local rivals Falkirk.
The Pars were born in 1875 when members of Dunfermline Cricket Club formed a football club to keep them occupied and retain there fitness during the long winter months,their home during this period was just west of the present ground and it wasn’t until the clubs Board of Directors purchasing new land for £3,500 from the North British Railway in 1920 that the club moved to the present East End Park.
The ground has had an eventful life during the past 87 years,in the 1930’s for example the ground staged greyhound racing and the extra income during the Depression years helped save the club from going bust at a time when things weren’t going well on the park,during the Second World War,East End Park was used by the Army as a base as well as a Polish transport unit,the ground also hosted a boxing match during the war to raise funds to help the Russian war effort.
East End Park first appearance under floodlights was in October 1959 when the Pars played Sheffield United in a friendly,this was on the eve of the clubs most successful period in their history all thanks to the arrival of one man – Jock Stein,his arrival at Dunfermline in 1960 saw the club win their first ever trophy,when they lifted the 1961 Scottish FA Cup,beating Celtic after a replay,this success funded the completion of the Main Stand at a cost of £60,000.
The cup success catapulting the lads from Fife into Europe, amassing 42 European ties between 1961 and 1970, Jock Stein left the Pars in 1964 but he laid the foundations as the club progressed under managers Willie Cunningham and later George Farm, they reaching an additional two Scottish Cup finals,as runners up in 1965 and winners in 1968,the year which witnesses the East Enders biggest attendance when a crowd of 27,816 saw a clash with cup winners against champions Celtic,this successful decade witnessed their highest league position of third place in 1965 and 1969 (I wonder who finished first and second?),they also achieved a semi-final spot in the European Cup-Winners-Cup.
The grounds progression continued through this era with the North Stand roof being extended as well as cover for the West Stand which linked the two stands together,the ground stagnated with only new terracing added in the mid 1980’s until the ground was rebuilt and made all seating in the nineties.
East End Park has been described as a mini-Ibrox (before the corners were filled) the East and West Stand’s were built in the Summer of 1998,both have a capacity of 3000 and are steep single tier stands with sharp edges and Perspex sides,the East Stand is the away end while the West has been named after Pars legend Norrie McCathie.I went in the North Stand which has a smaller single tier of seats,installed in 1997,it has a capacity of 2400,it houses the TV gantry and there’s a brilliant mural at the top of the stand in between the toilets (see Football Bog Blog no.5)the stand is split in two with only the North West side open.
You can see how the Main Stand has been modernised after it’s original construction in 1962,there’s a small corporative area behind the dugouts with ‘Welcome To East End Park’ printed above as well as a crowd control building to the west,the rest of the bottom tier has been filled in with bench type seats in dark red,the same colour as the rest of the stadium.
There are continental type floodlights which were installed in November 1997,making the stadium easy to spot from a distance and until recently the pitch had the artificial XL-Turf after receiving a grant from UEFA.The turf was laid in September 2003,but after becoming unpopular with the fellow members of the SPL the club returned to playing on grass last season,but if you look closely you can see evidence of the old turf running along the touch line
The tunnel is in the corner of the stadium in-between the Main Stand and the McCathie Stand,the first face to appear pre-match is a hairy one,club mascot Sammy the Hammy appeared and took great delight in an attempt to wind up the rival Falkirk fans,he ran towards the away end with a cardboard placard with the words ‘Whey Aye,we’re off to Europe’ there was a party atmosphere amongst the Pars fans,the fact their team were relegated the previous week didn’t seem a setback,they have a cup final next week as well as trips to distant shores to look forward to,therefore a season in Division One isn’t a crisis,as the attitude seems to be a ‘back in one season’ one.The club and supporters have a strong believe they’ll bounce straight back,just like the pre match beach balls that littered the pitch when the teams came on to the pitch,along with rubber rings and water wings as well as the sound of ‘Viva Espania’ the fans feel it’ll be destination Spain or Greece in the UEFA Cup,so let’s hope it’s not Iceland or Latvia.
I was pleased to hear the sound of Dunfermline’s finest when the players emerged from the tunnel,the distinctive sound of Stuart Adamson on guitar with the Skids and the classic ‘Into The Valley’ (I still have my copy on 7’ white vinyl,pic cover) as for the match,it wasn’t a classic,but a disappointment for the home supporters with a shocking performance against their bitter enemies from over the Kincardine Bridge,the team seem to be saving themselves for the cup final next week,so there’ll need a huge improvement or it’ll be an embarrassment against Celtic,the Pars fans made their displeasure know with chants of “You don’t deserve the jersey” as Falkirk won the game at a canter with three second half goals after a scrappy first half.
My companion today was again Alan Price and we enjoyed a cheap day out,thanks to my mate 'Jimmy Jimmy' fixing us up with free return train travel to Edinburgh,the fare to Dunfermline Town was only £4.80 return and the match admission was half price at only £12.00,on top of this Alan gave me a history lesson on the former capital of Scotland.We visited to resting place of Robert The Bruce in Dunfermline Abbey as well as St.Margaret’s Cave,like Alan says,you come to these places,so you may as well see it while you’re here.
I have no doubt that getting up at 6.30am and heading off to Scotland and so missing the FA Cup Final was the right decision, I saw the match highlights (or is it lowlights) on Saturday night and I apparently missed nowt,but I intend to spend next Saturday afternoon in front of the tele with an 8-pack of John Smith’s and a few packets of pork scrachings and watch the cup final,the Scottish Cup Final,Dunfermline v Celtic “Come On Ye Pars”
Match Report
Recommended listening
Scottish Premier League
May 19th 2007
I’ve been meaning to cross some ticks off my Scottish grounds total,but opportunities have been limited this season,so bearing this in mind I sacrificed sitting in front of the TV watching the country’s two biggest clubs battling it out for the oldest cup competition in the world,with the added attraction of the first historic final at the finest football arena on the planet. (too many red seats for me) I haven’t missed an English cup final either in front of the box or in the flesh since 1973,but I would rather attend a live game and visit a new ground than watch a game where I would happily like to see both teams lose,so it wasn’t a hard decision to head north into the ‘Kingdom of Fife’ for the SPL meeting at Dunfermline’s East End Park against local rivals Falkirk.
The Pars were born in 1875 when members of Dunfermline Cricket Club formed a football club to keep them occupied and retain there fitness during the long winter months,their home during this period was just west of the present ground and it wasn’t until the clubs Board of Directors purchasing new land for £3,500 from the North British Railway in 1920 that the club moved to the present East End Park.
The ground has had an eventful life during the past 87 years,in the 1930’s for example the ground staged greyhound racing and the extra income during the Depression years helped save the club from going bust at a time when things weren’t going well on the park,during the Second World War,East End Park was used by the Army as a base as well as a Polish transport unit,the ground also hosted a boxing match during the war to raise funds to help the Russian war effort.
East End Park first appearance under floodlights was in October 1959 when the Pars played Sheffield United in a friendly,this was on the eve of the clubs most successful period in their history all thanks to the arrival of one man – Jock Stein,his arrival at Dunfermline in 1960 saw the club win their first ever trophy,when they lifted the 1961 Scottish FA Cup,beating Celtic after a replay,this success funded the completion of the Main Stand at a cost of £60,000.
The cup success catapulting the lads from Fife into Europe, amassing 42 European ties between 1961 and 1970, Jock Stein left the Pars in 1964 but he laid the foundations as the club progressed under managers Willie Cunningham and later George Farm, they reaching an additional two Scottish Cup finals,as runners up in 1965 and winners in 1968,the year which witnesses the East Enders biggest attendance when a crowd of 27,816 saw a clash with cup winners against champions Celtic,this successful decade witnessed their highest league position of third place in 1965 and 1969 (I wonder who finished first and second?),they also achieved a semi-final spot in the European Cup-Winners-Cup.
The grounds progression continued through this era with the North Stand roof being extended as well as cover for the West Stand which linked the two stands together,the ground stagnated with only new terracing added in the mid 1980’s until the ground was rebuilt and made all seating in the nineties.
East End Park has been described as a mini-Ibrox (before the corners were filled) the East and West Stand’s were built in the Summer of 1998,both have a capacity of 3000 and are steep single tier stands with sharp edges and Perspex sides,the East Stand is the away end while the West has been named after Pars legend Norrie McCathie.I went in the North Stand which has a smaller single tier of seats,installed in 1997,it has a capacity of 2400,it houses the TV gantry and there’s a brilliant mural at the top of the stand in between the toilets (see Football Bog Blog no.5)the stand is split in two with only the North West side open.
You can see how the Main Stand has been modernised after it’s original construction in 1962,there’s a small corporative area behind the dugouts with ‘Welcome To East End Park’ printed above as well as a crowd control building to the west,the rest of the bottom tier has been filled in with bench type seats in dark red,the same colour as the rest of the stadium.
There are continental type floodlights which were installed in November 1997,making the stadium easy to spot from a distance and until recently the pitch had the artificial XL-Turf after receiving a grant from UEFA.The turf was laid in September 2003,but after becoming unpopular with the fellow members of the SPL the club returned to playing on grass last season,but if you look closely you can see evidence of the old turf running along the touch line
The tunnel is in the corner of the stadium in-between the Main Stand and the McCathie Stand,the first face to appear pre-match is a hairy one,club mascot Sammy the Hammy appeared and took great delight in an attempt to wind up the rival Falkirk fans,he ran towards the away end with a cardboard placard with the words ‘Whey Aye,we’re off to Europe’ there was a party atmosphere amongst the Pars fans,the fact their team were relegated the previous week didn’t seem a setback,they have a cup final next week as well as trips to distant shores to look forward to,therefore a season in Division One isn’t a crisis,as the attitude seems to be a ‘back in one season’ one.The club and supporters have a strong believe they’ll bounce straight back,just like the pre match beach balls that littered the pitch when the teams came on to the pitch,along with rubber rings and water wings as well as the sound of ‘Viva Espania’ the fans feel it’ll be destination Spain or Greece in the UEFA Cup,so let’s hope it’s not Iceland or Latvia.
I was pleased to hear the sound of Dunfermline’s finest when the players emerged from the tunnel,the distinctive sound of Stuart Adamson on guitar with the Skids and the classic ‘Into The Valley’ (I still have my copy on 7’ white vinyl,pic cover) as for the match,it wasn’t a classic,but a disappointment for the home supporters with a shocking performance against their bitter enemies from over the Kincardine Bridge,the team seem to be saving themselves for the cup final next week,so there’ll need a huge improvement or it’ll be an embarrassment against Celtic,the Pars fans made their displeasure know with chants of “You don’t deserve the jersey” as Falkirk won the game at a canter with three second half goals after a scrappy first half.
My companion today was again Alan Price and we enjoyed a cheap day out,thanks to my mate 'Jimmy Jimmy' fixing us up with free return train travel to Edinburgh,the fare to Dunfermline Town was only £4.80 return and the match admission was half price at only £12.00,on top of this Alan gave me a history lesson on the former capital of Scotland.We visited to resting place of Robert The Bruce in Dunfermline Abbey as well as St.Margaret’s Cave,like Alan says,you come to these places,so you may as well see it while you’re here.
I have no doubt that getting up at 6.30am and heading off to Scotland and so missing the FA Cup Final was the right decision, I saw the match highlights (or is it lowlights) on Saturday night and I apparently missed nowt,but I intend to spend next Saturday afternoon in front of the tele with an 8-pack of John Smith’s and a few packets of pork scrachings and watch the cup final,the Scottish Cup Final,Dunfermline v Celtic “Come On Ye Pars”
Match Report
Recommended listening
The Football Bog Blog
Great Stadia Toilets No.5 in a series of....
The ones at Dunfermline with the outside mural
The toilets in the North Stand at Dunfermlines East End Park are by far the most picturesque I've seen,there's a mural with paintings of Dunfermiline's managers from the past,as well as the club crest and the words 'Come On Ye Pars' written in tall black letters,there are black and white painted walls inside and this long white wall connects both Gents and Ladies bogs.
Friday, May 18, 2007
Monday, May 14, 2007
De Corazon
Porque nunca bajaste los brazos
Porque Hiciste temblar al "poderoso" pachuca
Porque Callaste muchísimas bocas
Porque La envidia de tus enemigos se nota a flor de piel
Porque caíste como los grandes
Porque sabemos que tienes la base, y solo hay que apuntalar
Porque te entregaste y pasaste a liguilla
Solo por reglamento, y nomas por el reglamento, los "poderosos" Tuzos del Pachuca eliminaron al que por momentos parecía el caballo negro del torneo y que para envidia DE TODOS LOS MEDIOS NACIONALES EMPEZANDO POR MONTERREY.
Que ardidos! que ardido se veía el anciano próximo a morir hablando del Santos, nomas no podía creer que sus "ti-gue-res" estuvieran mas que eliminados y que el Santos haya hecho ver muy mal en el juego de ida al super inflado equipo de TV Azteca ( porque realmente lo parece, aparte de que deseaban su pase por el hecho de haber quedado primero general).
Desde el juego de ida, Santos se hizo notar que no sería un rival fácil, el gol de Caballero ( el cual, mis respetos, es todo un caballero por no haber festejado, respetando a la INSTITUCION que lo trajo y lo dió a conocer en el país) cayó muy frío para la banda lagunera, pero al parecer ya estamos acostumbrados a remontar y se logró por conducto de Marcon a pase del Elgabry Rangel que dicho sea de paso que juego más impresionante, ofensivo y de amígdalas dio ese jueves.
Desgraciadamente para la causa guerrera, Eliomar se lesiona jugadas adelante, y sale, es entonces que nos damos cuenta que probablemente hayamos visto su ultimo gol vistiendo esta playera... lo siento sr. Marcon, pero es muy posible que su lugar sea ocupado por una persona que anote goles toda la temporada, no solo a cuenta gotas.
De todas formas, festejó el gol dedicándoselo a una llorona que aun ronda
por las calles de Querétaro...
Durante ese juego, todos vimos como los "Topos" o "Tuzos" o lo que chingaos sean, viéndose superados por un equipo al que ellos consideraron pequeño por haberse colado a la liguilla por "suerte"empezaron a tirar patadas a diestra y siniestra siendo verdaderas y arteras entradas criminales, desgraciadamente para nosotros, ( afortunadamente para ellos) los PENDEJOS vestidos de negro, estaban más concentrados en los pinches aparatitos que traían en las orejotas, muchos dicen que son "comunicadores" la manga, haciendo un pinche acercamiento nos damos color que no son mas que tristes "aipor" ( de esos piteros que venden en infomerciales ) y que en vez de estar poniendo atencion, se encontraban escuchando sus "ecsitos" que ya habian bajado a sus flamantes adiquisiciones dignas del tianguis de tepito.
quiubo, no que no??
Y es que no hay otra razon para no haber visto esas entradas sobre todo la de la méndiga chilindrina, pinche jugador pitero que escudándose en saber que no iban a echar a uno "del equipo de México" ( pues no se de qué pinche México porque yo a ellos no los apoyo), se barrio contra el Guti estrada y nomas por milagro no lo lesiono.
La directiva, en vez de reclamar, se quedaron como el chinito
nomas milando...bola de burros!
Hoy ( o ayer Domingo ) en el juego de vuelta, TV Apesta se relamia los bigotes con la idea de poder tener en sus manos una probable final, final en sus pinches canales, así que se la pasó alabando a los "tuzos" y haciendo y poniendo fechas probables de juegos en semifinal, una falta de respeto total a nuestro equipo, pero vamos, que les podemos pedir? que sean profesionales? nunca lo van a hacer, solo son sanguijuelas de futbol, y por lo tanto son parásitos que se alimentan de este deporte.
Solo así y por reglamento, Pachuca pasó a semifinales, porque en la cancha NUNCA fueron superiores, nunca demostraron ser "el numero uno en todos los departamentos", al contrario, se veían nerviosos, timoratos, cobardes de perder contra un equipo que su único pecado para haberse ganado tantas antipatías es haberse salvado.
Landín debio haberse ido expulsado, pero una vez mas los de negro se tragaron el pito entero, y no quisieron hacerlo para "no perjudicar las semifinales" pinches ojetes.
Ni modo, sin llorar, yo personalmente estoy muy satisfecho, primero porque Santos tenía que salvarse este torneo y no importaba nada más, luego pasar a liguilla dándonos una emocion que hace mucho no se sentía.
Este equipo está para cosas grandes, sólo hay que apuntalarlo bien adelante, porque siendo sinceros, ninguno dió el ancho, ni Vuoso, ni Marcon y mucho y mucho menos Oribe Peralta.
Es hora de entrar al futbol de estufa, a planear nuevamente, porque el proximo torneo, estaremos aun abajo en la tabla de porcentajes y no podemos darnos el lujo nuevamente de sufrir como se sufrio, o al menos yo ya no lo awanto, a mi si me carga pifas.
Por ahí se escucha un rumor muy fuerte de que Palermo esta contratado, así como de la construcción de un nuevo estadio ( si, una vez mas ) pero no ahondaremos en el tema hasta que se tengan los pelos de la burra en la mano ( si aunque se oiga medio cochino).
Por ultimo, los dejo con una imagen que se tomo en las afueras del corona, la neta, es chida la pasion, pero....
neta, que solo eso se me ocurrio al verla.
Seguiremos posteando pendejadas, y demás, quien sabe si de la liguilla, pues en este blog solo nos interesa el Santos y por lo pronto su participación, ya terminó, así que veremos que más se nos ocurre sacar durante este lapso de no futbol lagunero, chance una q otra noticia y algunos wallpapers que tenemos en stock para regalarlos a toda la banda santista de corazón, nombre hay algunos bastante chidos, por lo pronto, los dejo con la imagen ( realizada por mí, no acepten imitaciones) que le dio la vuelta...pues no se si al mundo, pero al menos a muchos fotologs, metroflogs y demas madres de esas, nomás que ahora convertida en todo un wallpaper chingon para todas sus compus.
Si la toman sólo por favor, les pedimos de favor, NO MODIFICARLA, ni cortarla, déjenla tal y como está, lo digo porque he visto en varias paginas que le cortan donde dice "Dark Saint" orale a uno si le cuesta trabajo hacerlas, si no son bolillos bola de ojetes ( a los que la cortan ).
Por lo pronto, disfruten la liguilla, mi gallo ahora, perdon, mi segundo equipo
yo creo que ahora es la Cruz Azul, si, me cae, porque Chivas y algunos de sus seguidores
han tratado bien pinche al Oswaldo, cuando bien que le andaban besando las patas cuando les dio su estrellita, al grado ( fíjense hasta donde llega lo ardido de Vergara) de excluir a Oswaldo de unas monedas conmemorativas del campeonato, asi o mas ardilla? .
Pero ese tema ya lo tocaremos mas adelante como dicen
en las bodas...
PD. dicen que actualice mas seguido,
pues si no son tamales, es mas si quieren
aportar algo uds. no duden en enviarme
su material, con gusto lo postearemos
manden lo que quieran decir a:
darksaint_mx ( arroba )
Sunday, May 13, 2007
My Matchday - 138 Green Lane
Teeside Athletic 1v6 Whitehaven Amateurs
Monkwearmouth Charity Cup Final
May 12th 2007
att.approx 200 (+3 dogs)
Monkwearmouth Charity Cup Final
May 12th 2007
att.approx 200 (+3 dogs)
It’s that time of the year when the football season draws nearer to closure,when the titles have all been decided and all that’s left are play-offs and cup finals,so the options become rather limited as far as watching live fitba are concerned,however I not about to let my wee band of loyal readers down,so I took a 100 mile round trip down to North Yorkshire to not only view a new ground,but also see a cup final clash with two sides playing for one of the oldest football trophies in the world.
Based in the coastal town of Redcar in Cleveland,Teesside Athletic are a club on the rise with a bright future ahead,they became one of the first clubs to receive FA Charter Standard Community Club Status,as well as having their senior side playing in the Wearside League and a reserve team,the club also run sixteen junior sides from ages 6-18 as well as a Ladies team and three junior girl teams making up over 250 playing staff.
Formed in 1993 playing in the Teesside League,the club took the step up into the Wearside League (level 7) as recently as 2005-06 season, finishing a respectable 5th (of 18) in their first season,they currently lie in 9th position this season but have progressed by reaching two cup finals,they face recently crowned Wearside League champions Birtley Town in the League Cup Final later this month and today they host Whitehaven Amateurs in the Monkwearmouth Charity Cup Final.
The Green Lane ground lies just off Redcar sea front with views of the cliffs at Marske in the distance,at the moment the ground is pretty basic but there’s plans for major improvements, the ground is surrounded by a green panel fence and the club has recently launched a ‘sponsor a panel’scheme to raise finances,there’s also plans afoot to equip the ground with floodlights and spectator facilities,so currently there is no covered stand,not unless you count the unused dugout at the far site of the ground which would actually give the ground a seating capacity of four (see picture) On arriving at the ground there’s a car park and club house which sells a range of club souvenirs including pin badges and scarfs,quite impressive for a club at this level,the building also houses the changing rooms and the players enter the pitch via the same entrance as the supporters.
Today I had the pleasure of being accompanied by a couple fellow ground baggers with fellow 100FGC member Alan Price (squad no.26) as well as another Alan who I was meeting for the first time,both take in as many matches as possible throughout the season,I know that Mr.Price usually hits the 100 mark a season while the other Alan has had a busy time having attended an impressive nine matches in the space of this week.
The Monkwearmouth Charity Cup is a competition played amongst the Wearside League clubs and the current holders Teesside Athletic were hosting the final against their rivals from Cumbria,Whitehaven Amateurs,the final isn’t played at a neutral venue but home advantage wasn’t a telling factor today as it was the most one sided game I’ve seen this season,with the game being over as a contest by half time.
Whitehaven started the game brightly in the opening period,and it was no surprise when they took the lead on 27 minutes with Craig Robson’s clever lob over the keepers head from 18 yards,this opened the floodgates and the visitors added to their lead with a penalty from Jonathon Wight on 36 minutes and then a spectacular left footed volley from the edge of the box by Steven Hewitt five minutes before the break gave Whitehaven an unassailable lead at the end of the first 45 minutes.
Teesside improved after the break, but for all there possession they never seriously threatened in front of goal and Whitehaven added to their total with Craig Robson grabbing two goals to complete his hat trick in a five minute spell midway through the second half,the first on 65 minutes with a first time shot from a left wing cross and then he escaped his marker again to put his side 5 -0 up with a cool finish.To add more misery to Athletic’s afternoon they missed a penalty on 83 minutes with a fine save from keeper Jack Fryer and from their next attack forward Wight grabbed his second of the afternoon and Whitehaven’s sixth with a bullet header from a right wing corner,there was just enough time left for a late consolation goal from the hosts through a scrabbled goal by Steve Thompson.
So it finished 6-1 with Whitehaven dominated throughout and worthy winners of the Monkwearmouth Cup but a hugely disappointing performance from Teesside, although there’ll be better days ahead from a club that has a good infrastructure in place and an ambition to progress further.
What’s the Monkwearmouth Charity Cup
Based in the coastal town of Redcar in Cleveland,Teesside Athletic are a club on the rise with a bright future ahead,they became one of the first clubs to receive FA Charter Standard Community Club Status,as well as having their senior side playing in the Wearside League and a reserve team,the club also run sixteen junior sides from ages 6-18 as well as a Ladies team and three junior girl teams making up over 250 playing staff.
Formed in 1993 playing in the Teesside League,the club took the step up into the Wearside League (level 7) as recently as 2005-06 season, finishing a respectable 5th (of 18) in their first season,they currently lie in 9th position this season but have progressed by reaching two cup finals,they face recently crowned Wearside League champions Birtley Town in the League Cup Final later this month and today they host Whitehaven Amateurs in the Monkwearmouth Charity Cup Final.
The Green Lane ground lies just off Redcar sea front with views of the cliffs at Marske in the distance,at the moment the ground is pretty basic but there’s plans for major improvements, the ground is surrounded by a green panel fence and the club has recently launched a ‘sponsor a panel’scheme to raise finances,there’s also plans afoot to equip the ground with floodlights and spectator facilities,so currently there is no covered stand,not unless you count the unused dugout at the far site of the ground which would actually give the ground a seating capacity of four (see picture) On arriving at the ground there’s a car park and club house which sells a range of club souvenirs including pin badges and scarfs,quite impressive for a club at this level,the building also houses the changing rooms and the players enter the pitch via the same entrance as the supporters.
Today I had the pleasure of being accompanied by a couple fellow ground baggers with fellow 100FGC member Alan Price (squad no.26) as well as another Alan who I was meeting for the first time,both take in as many matches as possible throughout the season,I know that Mr.Price usually hits the 100 mark a season while the other Alan has had a busy time having attended an impressive nine matches in the space of this week.
The Monkwearmouth Charity Cup is a competition played amongst the Wearside League clubs and the current holders Teesside Athletic were hosting the final against their rivals from Cumbria,Whitehaven Amateurs,the final isn’t played at a neutral venue but home advantage wasn’t a telling factor today as it was the most one sided game I’ve seen this season,with the game being over as a contest by half time.
Whitehaven started the game brightly in the opening period,and it was no surprise when they took the lead on 27 minutes with Craig Robson’s clever lob over the keepers head from 18 yards,this opened the floodgates and the visitors added to their lead with a penalty from Jonathon Wight on 36 minutes and then a spectacular left footed volley from the edge of the box by Steven Hewitt five minutes before the break gave Whitehaven an unassailable lead at the end of the first 45 minutes.
Teesside improved after the break, but for all there possession they never seriously threatened in front of goal and Whitehaven added to their total with Craig Robson grabbing two goals to complete his hat trick in a five minute spell midway through the second half,the first on 65 minutes with a first time shot from a left wing cross and then he escaped his marker again to put his side 5 -0 up with a cool finish.To add more misery to Athletic’s afternoon they missed a penalty on 83 minutes with a fine save from keeper Jack Fryer and from their next attack forward Wight grabbed his second of the afternoon and Whitehaven’s sixth with a bullet header from a right wing corner,there was just enough time left for a late consolation goal from the hosts through a scrabbled goal by Steve Thompson.
So it finished 6-1 with Whitehaven dominated throughout and worthy winners of the Monkwearmouth Cup but a hugely disappointing performance from Teesside, although there’ll be better days ahead from a club that has a good infrastructure in place and an ambition to progress further.
What’s the Monkwearmouth Charity Cup
(no.6008 is a good one)
Update - May 2007
Teesside got over their disappointment of losing out on the Monkwearmouth Cup by winning the Wearside League Cup with a cracking result against league champions Birtley Town in their own backyard, they came away with a 2-1 win with goals from James Smuk and Ian Mudd.
Well Done!
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