Monday, January 30, 2012

Arrietty Impressions

First of all, I have to apologize once again for the huge gap between posts! My husband and I flew down to Sydney for Chinese New Year and instead of catching up on things I needed to do, I completely zoned out and didn't do anything but eat and play through Rayman Origins a second time with Shaun and his sister (I think I've had enough now).

This is a long time coming, but a couple of weeks ago Shaun and I made the 5 minute trek to the movie theater (one of the many perks of our new apartment) to see Studio Ghibli's Arrietty (Japanese title: 借りぐらしのアリエッティ, also known as The Secret World of Arrietty in the US) over opening weekend. As always, the rest of the world is a bit behind Japan – Arrietty originally aired in its home country back in July 2010, and the most recent Studio Ghibli film, From Up on Poppy Hill, aired this past summer in Japan. For once, Australia was ahead of the game, with the film releasing here a whole month before it debuts in the US on February 17th.

Arrietty (I will refer to it by the Australian title since that's the version I saw) is based on Mary Norton's classic novel The Borrowers, about a family of extremely tiny people who live beneath a normal-sized family's house. They survive by scavenging what they can from their surroundings and "borrowing" things from regular humans, only taking what they are sure will not be missed such as an extra tissue or a safety pin that has been lost and forgotten beneath a dresser. Interestingly, this film marks the directorial debut of Hiromasa Yonebashi, a key animator of a number of Studio Ghibli films and the youngest director of a Studio Ghibli production to date. He also was the key animator of Serial Experiments Lain, one of my favorite anime!

Since the subtitled version wasn't shown anywhere in our area, we had to settle with the British dubbed version. The film has been licensed separately for the US and Europe/Australia, the so English voice actors are completely different for the two regions. Honestly, given the film's beginnings as a British novel, I found it quite refreshing to hear the characters speak with non-American accents. There were a handful of times where the localization felt odd to me, but that could have been due to the British influence. I look forward to hearing the original Japanese language track when the film comes out on DVD.

Can I have a room that looks like this?
Unfortunately I haven't read The Borrowers, so I can't comment on how it compares to the book, but if it's anything like Howl's Moving Castle, you can expect a pretty liberal interpretation. Fans of My Neighbor Totoro will be right at home in the lush, green environments and relatively slow pacing, where those who prefer the unique locations and higher level of action in Spirited Away or Princess Mononoke may find this Studio Ghibli offering a little too "mundane." I found myself highly appreciative of the attention to detail put in to making the world look believable from the eyes of a Borrower. From stamps serving as paintings in the tiny house to the variety of insects Arrietty interacts with over the course of the film, everything felt fresh and different and was a joy to see come to life with Ghibli's signature flair.

One of my favorite scenes in the film had to be when Arrietty meets Sho, a sick boy sent to rest at the house about Arrietty's home, up close for the first time. Arrietty is on her first borrowing excursion with her father, and one of her tasks is to grab a tissue out of a tissue box on Sho's bedside table. The moment of confrontation – Arrietty looking up to see Sho's wide, bright eyes staring directly at her, was startling for both her and me as a viewer. Watching Arrietty try in vain to hide behind the tissue (a background light illuminates her body quite clearly) was both endearing and heartbreaking – she knows she is never supposed to be seen by a human, and she is disappointed by her failure during her first trip out with her father.

The music in the film was not done by regular Ghibli composer Joe Hisaishi, but newcomer Cécile Corbel, a French musician who is reportedly a big fan of Studio Ghibli. Apparently, she sent them a CD of her songs as a fan, and the company was intrigued by her work and subsequently invited her to do the soundtrack for Arrietty. Sounds like a fairy tale story, eh? She did both the theme, titled simply "Arrietty's Song," as well as the rest of the background music. The Celtic themes really mesh well with the general feel of the film, and though I was a little miffed by the silly English lyrics of Arrietty's Song ("I am fourteen years old, I am pretty"? Did a fourteen-year-old write it?), I still found it very enjoyable. The full English version is what accompanied the version of the film I saw, but the majority of the song was in Japanese for the original film.

All in all, I really enjoyed Arrietty. I've heard criticisms that it was too slow, or simply not as amazing as previous Studio Ghibli films, but frankly, if you are at all interested in Ghibli, you definitely need to see Arrietty on the big screen and decide for yourself. Some have compared it to My Neighbor Totoro, and while I don't think it quite surpasses the caliber of some of my favorite Ghibli films, it is definitely now up there at the top of my list. The animation and music were both gorgeous, and I found the story bittersweet and touching. If the company can churn out films this good without Miyazaki at the helm, I'm confident that even when he's gone they'll continue to make some of the best animated features the world has ever seen.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Juegazo en el Corona y...

* Los postes, Oswaldo y Galindo autores de la Victoria
* Que bonito es cuando juegan abierto.
* Agradable sorpresa del canterano Candido.
* El juego, era para cualquier lado.
* Ahora VS los sorpresivos Xolos.
Chiapas sin duda alguna se ha convertido en cliente asiduo de los Guerreros, pero ...¡ah como se hacen del rogar! y en esta ocasión no fue diferente, siempre que vienen al Corona traen convicción de victoria, por lo que dan muy buenos juegos e incluso, son los responsables de la primeras derrotas en el nuevo Corona, sólo que en ésta ocasión, la suerte no estuvo de su lado.
4 tiros al poste fueron lo que los Jaguares pusieron en el partido, mas grandes atajadas de Oswaldo Sanchez que sigue siendo pieza clave del equipo fueron pieza clave para que Santos se llevara la primera victoria del 2012 en su cancha del Corona, que registró una entrada de 3/4 de estadio.


Váaaaalgame el señor..
Si el futbol fuera justo y de merecimientos, el juego habría terminado en empate ( tal vez no un cero a cero) pero así es esto y al minuto 87, Aaron Galindo se levanta ante un centro templado para meter un testarazo que vence al portero Jaguar que hasta en ese momento había tenido un excelente duelo contra Oswaldo, pero cometió sólo un error...y lo pagó con derrota para su equipo.

jaguares desde el inicio se fue al frente, tan es así que apenas había pasado un minuto y ya tenían una jugada de gol pero Jackson no pudo definir correctamente ante la zaga guerrera, un poco más adelante, Rey tuvo en sus botínes un claro gol, que el poste y Oswaldo se encargaron de detener, empezaban a jugar los postes. Jackson Martínez tuvo otra en sus botínes, entre una serie de rebotes, saca tremendo trallazo que retumba en el travesaño, Chiapas se veía mucho mejor que los locales que en los primeros minutos resintieron el ataque, se notaban desconcertados, pero Santos poco a poco empezó a tranquilizar y a tocar el balón y es ahí cuando ya les dijo a los chiapanecos, "llégale a Torreón bailando".

Santos respondía pase filtrado de Quintero a Peralta que estrella el balón en Hernández en una excelente jugada de los guerreros que siguen demostrando que de la media para adelante les tosen a cualquiera, el detalle está en que atrás igualmente les llegan pero si te topas con jugadores como los de jaguares que traen la mira chueca, no hay problema, el problema será cuando vengan los que no fallan.

Enumerar las ocasiones de gol sería redundante, ví al equipo suelto, alegre y dándose al tu por tu con el rival,y sinceramente fue un muy buen espectáculo el mostrado en la cancha del Corona, un partido que se agradece a ambos por las llegadas y emociones, era injusto que no cayera el gol para cualquier lado, yo personalmente pensaba que así quedaría con un cero a cero, más aún viendo como Peralta fallaba INCREÍBLEMENTE un balón en la línea de gol, pero así de caprichoso es el futbol, afortunadamente el Chato y Galindo dirían lo contrario, y es que casi al final, Chato manda centro al area donde Galindo se levanta y testerea diciendole que no al balón ante una salida infame del portero chiapaneco, para poner el marcador definitivo, 1-0 ante el júbilo de la afición que se dio cita en el estadio y que por fin veía un gol desde la semifinal de vuelta en aquel fallido intento por llegar a la cuarta estrella.
Sin embargo, Jaguares no se iba a ir así y en una jugada final, los chiapanecos todavía tuvieron oportunidad a balón parado, y con toda su gente en el area pero el balón fue a dar -al igual que todo el juego- al poste ante la mirada de todos que conteníamos el aliento y temíamos al eterno fantasma de que nos bajen la alegría de fregazo.

Y por fin el arbitro pitaría el final, y Santos se apropiaba de su segunda victoria en el torneo por un empate y sin derrota para un total de 7 puntos que lo ponen a la cabeza de la aún muy joven tabla general, pero que le ayuda a seguir alimentando el entusiasmo en este inicio de campeonato. Pero sobre todo, le dan una alegría a la gente para así volver a enamorar a su afición y que poco a poco se vaya reflejando en las tribunas del Corona que si no se ha visto solo, si ha tenido sus huecos en una temporada que es difícil para muchos debido a la gorrosa y ahora casi criminal cuesta de enero.
Así mismo, se dió una agradable sorpresa para la afición en la entrada del joven Candido Ramírez que con un par de jugadas se ganó la mirada de los asistentes al estrellar un balón al palo luego de una excelente jugada propia, sin duda que el chavo se le vió muy luchón ( como debe ser todo joven que recibe una oportunidad) y si bien no se le pudo coronar con un gol su brillante debut, al menos creo que sí se ha ganado el ser tomado en cuenta para otro partido y ser una buena opcion de cambio ( muchos ya lo quieren meter de titular, calmados si sólo fueron unos minutos, no inflemos ni caigamos en el mismo error que caen otros equipos que inflan a jóvenes debutantes y quedan varados en el olvido o en el sello de "eterna promesa" ).
1 error...solo uno fué suficiente.
Se le notó confianza, ganas y deseos por mostrarse, pero sobre todo la famosa hambre por demostrar que tiene con que, esperemos que sepan llevarlo y que LE DEN LA OPORTUNIDAD y confianza, para seguir entrando a juegos iguales de difíciles, pues solo así se verá de que está hecho.
Por lo pronto, Los Guerreros ahora viajan a Tijuana para enfrentar a los Xolos de Mohammed, que tienen una cara distinta y que luego de la victoria ante Chivas ya piensan más en otras instancias que en su salvación.
Será sin duda un juego difícil, en una cancha incómoda, vieja, dura, gastada y para variar sintética donde el bote del balón siempre es traicionero, y que será un buen  desafío para ver el nivel del equipo ahora que se enfrenta a su ex compañero el "Pipa" Arce.
Antonio Mohammed, el turco ya espera a los guerreros.
Se viene un juego por la supremacía de la tabla general, ambos tienen buenas armas y creo que nos espera un partido movido y abierto, Mohammed le ha impreso una dinámica muy activa a su equipo y no dudo que se lancen al frente viendo que lo que más le hace daño a Santos es eso, que lo ataquen desde el inicio tal y como sucedió con Chiapas.
No recuerdo, si ya se contará con Baloy, pero al menos en estos juegos Galindo y Figueroa se han visto bien a secas, sacando papas del horno pero cumplidores hasta donde sus capacidades pueden, así mismo ya se presentó el Español Crosas, aunque desconozco si ya será tomado en cuenta por el cuerpo técnico, pero bien puede ser usado de cambio para ir viendo en que condición viene.

Sin duda que el inicio al menos es esperanzador, probablemente algo engañoso, pero quien haya visto el juego vs Chiapas, espera que éste sea el verdadero objetivo del equipo, con un Santos bastante peligroso al frente y con mucha, mucha suerte atrás.


Inspired Outfit: Rosemarie from Vampire Diaries

1. Long sleeve shirts » Olive-green cashmere long-sleeved top with a V-neck. Kain top has a pocket at front, ribbed trim and simply slips on. 100% cashmere.
2. Leather biker jacket » Love-worn leather and a warm, earthy shade make Sara Berman’s biker jacket a treasure-forever wardrobe hero! Brown aged-effect cropped leather biker jacket with circular stitched detailing at elbows. Sara Berman jacket has a pointed collar, long sleeves with zip-fastening cuffs, an asymmetric zip fastening through front, two zip-fastening slit pockets at front, stitched detailing at back of hem and a leopard-print satin lining. 100% leather; lining: 100% polyester.
3. Jeans » MyShape – Calvin Klein Jeans
4. Mid calf boots » Machi Jennifer1 Mid-Calf Boots
5. Leather messenger bag » Leather messenger bag by CC Skye. Featuring snake effect leather with flap to the front and metal buckled straps, short handle to the top, long shoulder strap, and metal logo tab and zip pocket to the interior.
6. Silk scarves » Brown cashmere-silk blend scarf from Faliero Sarti with raw edges.
Thanks "LaurenCohanFanclub" for the tips ! 

Inspired Outfit: Rosemarie from Vampire Diaries

1. Long sleeve shirts » Olive-green cashmere long-sleeved top with a V-neck. Kain top has a pocket at front, ribbed trim and simply slips on. 100% cashmere.
2. Leather biker jacket » Love-worn leather and a warm, earthy shade make Sara Berman’s biker jacket a treasure-forever wardrobe hero! Brown aged-effect cropped leather biker jacket with circular stitched detailing at elbows. Sara Berman jacket has a pointed collar, long sleeves with zip-fastening cuffs, an asymmetric zip fastening through front, two zip-fastening slit pockets at front, stitched detailing at back of hem and a leopard-print satin lining. 100% leather; lining: 100% polyester.
3. Jeans » MyShape – Calvin Klein Jeans
4. Mid calf boots » Machi Jennifer1 Mid-Calf Boots
5. Leather messenger bag » Leather messenger bag by CC Skye. Featuring snake effect leather with flap to the front and metal buckled straps, short handle to the top, long shoulder strap, and metal logo tab and zip pocket to the interior.
6. Silk scarves » Brown cashmere-silk blend scarf from Faliero Sarti with raw edges.
Thanks "LaurenCohanFanclub" for the tips ! 

New Extraordinary Picture of Lauren - "Talent and Literary Agency APA"

New Extraordinary Picture of Lauren - "Talent and Literary Agency APA"

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Joseph Morgan talks about Lauren and The Walking Dead

 What are you currently watching on TV?
JOSEPH: I know it’s not on our network, but I’m a massive fan of The Walking Dead. I’m a huge, huge fan. I love that show. I’m doing a fan convention in February, in Orlando, Florida, and I think Lauren Cohan is going to be there, as well. I’m excited because I’ve never met her.

Ce vizionezi la TV acum?
Joseph: Stiu ca nu este pe programul nostru, dar sunt un mare, mare fan a-l serialului The Walking Dead. Iubesc show-ul acela. O sa fiu la o conventie in Orlando, Florida in februarie, si cred ca Lauren Cohan va fi si ea acolo. Sunt destul de emotionat pentru ca nu am intalnit-o inainte.
Thanks to, Lauren Cohan Fanclub!

Joseph Morgan talks about Lauren and The Walking Dead

 What are you currently watching on TV?
JOSEPH: I know it’s not on our network, but I’m a massive fan of The Walking Dead. I’m a huge, huge fan. I love that show. I’m doing a fan convention in February, in Orlando, Florida, and I think Lauren Cohan is going to be there, as well. I’m excited because I’ve never met her.

Ce vizionezi la TV acum?
Joseph: Stiu ca nu este pe programul nostru, dar sunt un mare, mare fan a-l serialului The Walking Dead. Iubesc show-ul acela. O sa fiu la o conventie in Orlando, Florida in februarie, si cred ca Lauren Cohan va fi si ea acolo. Sunt destul de emotionat pentru ca nu am intalnit-o inainte.
Thanks to, Lauren Cohan Fanclub!

The Walking Dead: Season 2 Alternate Title Sequence

The Walking Dead: Season 2 Alternate Title Sequence

Vampire Diaries Fan Video - It happens in a Blink

Vampire Diaries Fan Video - It happens in a Blink

Sunday, January 22, 2012

My Matchday - 306 Fenland Stadium

Wisbech Town 2v2 Dunston UTS (a.e.t.)
FA Vase 4th Round
Saturday 21st January 2012
Away trips with Dunston in the FA Vase are amongst the highlights of my season, and I once again I enjoyed a good day out with the Fed Lads for the 4th Round clash at Wisbech Town.

We departed the UTS Stadium at 9am and after two (one would have been sufficient) stops we arrived in the Cambridgeshire town at 1.30pm. There was much debate over what today’s destination was actually called. I’ve always thought the town was pronounces as Wiz-beck, however my travel companion Lee Robbo declared it’s Wiz-beach, which was later confirmed by the locals. However if it is Wiz-beach then where is the A and where’s the Sea? (Did you C what I did there?)

Wisbech is a market town and inland port on the River Nene in the Fens of Cambridgeshire. The town’s main feature is Wisbech Castle built in 1071 by William I, which in the late 16th century became a notorious prison. Amongst those inmates were political Catholic priests and bishops, many of which died due to the jails unhygienic conditions. The Norman castle was destroyed in a devastating flood in 1236 and has been rebuilt several times throughout the centuries.

On arrival the club stewards pointed us in the direction of the nearest boozer. The ‘Black Bear’ was just a short walk away, so we also had time for pint in ‘The Locomotive’(Should be renamed “The Filthy Looks Saloon”…Eddy) before heading back to the clubhouse. As I waited to get served at the bar, I overheard one of the home supporters making an disparaging remark about people who live in the top end of the country, which quite frankly annoyed me. After travelling for over 4 hours and 200 miles this isn’t the kind of welcome I’m used to, and that I would expect at a respectable non-league club. I made the culprit aware that I was unhappy about the incident then disregarded it - determined to see a Dunston win which would wipe the smile of his smug face.

Wisbech Town formed in 1920 after the merger of three local clubs, originally joining the Peterborough & District League which they won on five occasions during the 1920’s and early ‘30s. The club formed a Limited Company and turned semi-professional in 1935, progressing to the United Counties League, becoming champions three times after the Second World War. In 1950 The Fenmen switched to the Eastern Counties League before joining the Midland League two years later.

In 1957-58 they reached the second round of the FA Cup, beating Colchester United 1-0 in the first Round, coupled with achieving promotion to the Southern League after finishing league runners-up. The club played within the Southern League set up for twelve seasons until returning to the Eastern Counties League in 1970.
Wisbech finished runners-up and won the League Cup in their first season back in the ECL and won the double the following season and lifted the league title again in 1976-77 and 1990-91.

In 1995-96 the club reached the first round of the FA Cup for the first time since 1966 and also finished second in the league winning promotion to the Midland Division of the Southern League. The club continued to produce good performances in the FA Cup reaching the first round again in 1996-97 and the following season they reached Round Two, losing 2-0 at home to Bristol Rovers.
Town had a second spell in the Southern League for five seasons until returning to the Eastern Counties League in 2002.
Fenland Stadium is a relatively new ground, opened in August 2010. The club previously played on several different grounds until moving from Harecroft Road in 1947 to Fenland Park, a former orchard in Walsoken. The record attendance at their former home was 8,044 against local rivals Peterborough United in August 1957.

Wisbech played there final game at Fenland Park in September 2008 and secured a temporary move to Outwell Swift's Nest ground after installing a seated stand, floodlights and terracing.
Construction began on the new 9-acre site ground in January 2010, with the first match on August 14th for an FA Cup extra-preliminary round tie against St Andrews which The Fenmen won 5-0.
The 118-seater stand which relocated from its brief home at Outwell is a basic structure filled with red seats. The stand is situated at the far side and is flanked by open hard standing. Behind each goal are fully covered single step terraces, named the Spicer McColl Stand and the Fenland Fire Stand.
Next to the turnstile entrance is the main building block which provides a large clubhouse, changing rooms and refreshment bar. The near side also provides more terrace space and the team dugouts. There’s also a club shop in one corner(£4.50 for a pin badge!) and the ground is finished off by a set of thin six lamped corner floodlights.
The Fenmen’s best performances in the FA Vase came in the mid-80s reaching the semi-final stage two years running. In 1984-85 they lost to Halesowen Town in a semi-final replay after a draw over the original two legs, and then the following year they again missed out on Wembley losing out to Southall. If The Fenmen are to progress towards the later stages in this year s competition they’ll have do it the hard way after this 4th round tie finished all square after 120 minutes.

Wisbech deservingly lead at the break after a disappointing first half performance from the visitors. The goal arriving on 25 minutes when a low cross from the right was sliced home by Nick Davey finding the roof of the net.
The Geordies produced a more positive performance in the second half, as they turned the match around courtesy of two scrappy goals. A free kick from 25 yards was crossed to the far post where Young nodded back across goal, where Bulford was on hand to get a faint touch that wrong footed the ‘keeper. Then on 76 minutes a free kick from the left from McAndrew, missed everyone and found the far corner of the net, although initially I though Swailes got his head on the cross.
Dunston looked set for a place in the fifth round but on 81 minutes it was all square, Matt Lunn picked up the ball on the right and darted into the box, then from a tight angle his cross shot found the top corner, if he did mean to shoot (I couldn’t tell from behind the opposite goal) it was a great goal to take the match into extra time.

The hosts almost took the lead after the restart hitting the foot of the post, but extra time was dominated by a monsoon which swept across the pitch which limited any clear cut chances and a crucial winner for either side. On 110 minutes a game which was littered with yellow cards produced a second booking for Michael Dixon, but Dunston’s ten men comfortably held on, which means The Fenmen will have to do the reverse journey to Tyneside next Saturday.

Unfortunately I’ll not be in attendance next week, but I can guarantee that followers of Wisbech Town can look forward to an enjoyable and hospitable afternoon at the UTS Stadium, because that’s just the way we are, as we understand how to treat visitors to our part of the world.

Squad #10 Tim Rigby attends the last match at Fenland Park. – Tims 92 Tims 92

Matchday stats
WTFC 2(Davey 24 Lunn 81) DUTSFC 2(Bulford 50, McAndrew 76)
Admission £7(but I paid a fiver)
Programme £1

Cartoons of Vampire Diaries

Cartoons of Vampire Diaries

TWD Exec Producer Glen Mazzara talks about Lauren and Maggie

 The showrunner/ Executive producer of The Walking Dead, Glen Mazzara has given us the honor of sharing some mysterious informations about Maggie Greene and about our Lauren Cohan.
He said on Twitter: "I love Lauren Cohan. Great Actress." and then "She's great as Maggie. Has really terific stuff coming up. We're lucky to have her."  And some informations without spoilers: "Lauren Cohan's a huge tallent who's done a great job bringing Maggie to life. No spoilers. I CAN say we are very lucky to have her on TWD."
Hehe :) That's really nice! And he's right, she's a really talented actress and she deserves the best ( meaning LOTS of new projects)


TWD Exec Producer Glen Mazzara talks about Lauren and Maggie

 The showrunner/ Executive producer of The Walking Dead, Glen Mazzara has given us the honor of sharing some mysterious informations about Maggie Greene and about our Lauren Cohan.
He said on Twitter: "I love Lauren Cohan. Great Actress." and then "She's great as Maggie. Has really terific stuff coming up. We're lucky to have her."  And some informations without spoilers: "Lauren Cohan's a huge tallent who's done a great job bringing Maggie to life. No spoilers. I CAN say we are very lucky to have her on TWD."
Hehe :) That's really nice! And he's right, she's a really talented actress and she deserves the best ( meaning LOTS of new projects)


The Walking Dead Sneak Peek - 2x08

The Walking Dead Sneak Peek - 2x08

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Lauren Cohan in "Previously on Point Dume"

       I've just found out about this project a few weeks ago. And I said... hey, it's gonna be cool to upload. I'm sure a lot of you guys didn't know about it ... am I right?