
Q: You have a bit of a British accent! Was it difficult to learn the Southern drawl?
A: I spent one week just thinking about the difference between the British "O" and the Southern "O." You can get the vibe of it pretty easily, but then you have to really start thinking about the idiosyncrasies. Those scenes of high drama can become bigger than your accent sometimes, and there are moments when I find myself speaking in fear, talking more like I'm in London.
Q: Have you and Andrew Lincoln practiced becoming un-British together?
A: No, but our costume designer is South African. If we speak to her for more than two minutes, we have to hug her and walk away because all the Britishisms start to come up again.
Q: You and Steven Yeun have a lot of screen time together.
A: We are actually really good buddies. We all are. You just bond out there in a way that you wouldn't in a city. A bunch of us lived in the same building, this converted cotton mill -- it's cool, but also kind of creepy. A can of ravioli went missing from Steven's place, actually...
Q: Maggie and Glenn are sort of the link between Rick's people and Hershel's. Is that something you relate to in your life?
A: Oh, yeah. When I was a kid, I was the one causing the problems, and my little sister was the intermediary. But I think in life, generally, I don't want drama. I'd so much rather do something goofy. Maggie is like that: She has to act as the mediator. She really is trying to live her life out under a really strict father.
Q: Have you ever had to deal with strict parents like that?
A: Oh my god, exclusively! They were protective, but they're good now. To be honest, I'm glad, because it made me ambitious. My parents have always had pretty high expectations, but they're very supportive.
Q: Have you gotten inured to The Walking Dead's horror now that you're around it all the time?
A: On set, it just makes you lose your appetite. When we have huge hordes of zombies on set, they'll have another room for them to eat, to accommodate them. But when there are only a few zombies on set, then we're all in the lunch room together. It's a bit disgusting. You don't believe they can make people look like that!
Q: Do you remember your first walker experience on set?
A: Yeah, my first day I dealt with a zombie. You look at these guys, in all that makeup, more than anything I feel bad for the zombies. We had one that was in a zombie fat suit in 100-degree humidity. That's the thing with this whole show -- you feel bad for them and you're terrified of them at the same time.
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Q:Ai un accent Britanic! A fost greu sa inveti sa vorbesti cu un accent sudic?
A: Am petrecut o saptamana intreaga doar pentru a-mi da seama de diferenta dintre britanicul "O" si sudicul "O".Ii prinzi firul destul de usor, dar dupa aceea chiar trebuie sa iti dai seama de particularitati. Acele scene de drama pot deveni mai puternice decat accentul tau cateodata, si uneori ma gasesc vorbind de frica, mai degraba ca si cum as fi in Londra.
Q: Tu si Andrew Lincoln ati exersat impreuna la accentul vostru?
A: Nu, dar designer-ul nostru este sud-african. Daca vorbim cu ea mai mult de 2 minute trebuie sa o imbratisam si sa fugim pentru ca tot "briticismul" reapare.
Q: Tu si Steven Yeun aveti multe scene impreuna.
A: Chiar suntem foarte buni prieteni. Toti suntem. Pur si simplu te atasezi de oameni, mai bine decat a-i face-o in oras. Cativa dintre noi chiar am trait in aceeasi cladire, aceasta fabrica de bumbac transformat -- e cool, dar si putin cam inficosator. O cana de raviolli a disparut de la locul lui Steven, de fapt.
Q: Maggie si Glenn sunt intr-un fel legatura dintre oamenii lui Rick si oamenii lui Hershell. Poti lega ceva si de viata ta?
A: Oh, da. Cand eram mica, eu eram cea care cauza toate problemele iar surioara mea era intermediara. Dar cred ca in viata, in general, nu vreau nici un fel de drama. Mai degraba as face ceva nebunesc. Maggie este asa: ea trebuie sa faca pe meditatoarea. Ea chiar incearca sa-si traiasca viata, fara sa-si supere tatal strict.
Q: Tu ai avut de a face cu parinti atat de stricti?
A: O, Doamne, exclusiv. Erau foarte protectivi, dar acum sunt buni. Si ca sa fiu sincera, ma bucur, pentru ca m-a facut sa fiu mai ambitioasa. Parintii mei au avut mereu asteptari mari, dar au fost si foarte sustinatori.
Q: Te-ai obisnuit cu tot horror-ul din The Walking Dead, acum ca esti in jurul lui tot timpul?
A: Pe platourile de filmare, pur si simplu iti pierzi apetitul. Cand avem "hoardele" uriase de zombi pe platouri, ei au alt loc unde mananca pentru a se acomoda. Dar cand sunt doar cativa, luam cu totii pranzul in acelasi loc. Este cam dezgustator. Nu ai crede ca poti face oamenii sa arate asa.
Q: Iti amintesti prima ta experienta cu zombii ?
A: Da, in prima mea zi la filmari am avut de lucru cu un zombie. Cand ma uit la oamenii aia cu tot machiajul pe ei, singurul lucru pe care il simt este suparare, imi pare rau pentru ei. Asta e chestia la acest show, te simti rau pentru ei, dar te si sperie in acelasi timp.
Q: Te-ai obisnuit cu tot horror-ul din The Walking Dead, acum ca esti in jurul lui tot timpul?
A: Pe platourile de filmare, pur si simplu iti pierzi apetitul. Cand avem "hoardele" uriase de zombi pe platouri, ei au alt loc unde mananca pentru a se acomoda. Dar cand sunt doar cativa, luam cu totii pranzul in acelasi loc. Este cam dezgustator. Nu ai crede ca poti face oamenii sa arate asa.
Q: Iti amintesti prima ta experienta cu zombii ?
A: Da, in prima mea zi la filmari am avut de lucru cu un zombie. Cand ma uit la oamenii aia cu tot machiajul pe ei, singurul lucru pe care il simt este suparare, imi pare rau pentru ei. Asta e chestia la acest show, te simti rau pentru ei, dar te si sperie in acelasi timp.
Traducere: Lauren Cohan Ro (Alice)
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